Adorable Pit Bull Devastated After Ripping Favorite Pillow Apart

There’s an unexplainable feeling of comfort that our favorite toy or item usually brings; for us humans, it’s traditionally called our security blanket. But, as it turns out, this too applies to canines just as much.

A dog was in distraught after his security pillow was broken in an unfortunate turn of events. And his grandma did everything in her powers to sew it up and alleviate him from his devastation.

Draco may be a fierce-looking pit bull but is genuinely a gentle-hearted one. He was rescued by Allie O’Cain from a backyard breeder when he was just a puppy. When he was brought home, he instantly took to a heart-shaped pillow for comfort and does so to this day.

Growing up, Draco developed a habit of chewing on any stuffed toy he can lay his eyes on. He made sure nothing gets past him, except for his treasured red pillow. The reason why, over the years, their house evolved to an exclusively “rubber toy-household.”

Draco is particularly protective of his pillow, making sure no one else touches it – not even his best dog pal, Willow. He’s not the one to share when it comes to his favorite pillow. But in one fateful instance, Willow got hold of the pillow, and Draco exhausted all his strength pulling it ceaselessly until it ripped apart and the stuffing started falling on the floor. The state of the broken pillow could not be a more appropriate reflection of Draco’s heart. He certainly felt so devastated.

After seeing the events unfold, his grandmother immediately came to the rescue. She started collecting the stuffing from the floor and headed over to her reliable sewing machine to sew up anything that was left of it. Draco anxiously whined and waited, that his mother could not help but capture it and described the scene as if he was “waiting on his wife undergoing a surgery”.

When Granny finally finished the delicate job, Draco wasted not a single second before and got reunited with his pillow, never to let it out of his sight again.

Source: Facebook

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