After Being Rescued From The Streets, A Kind Giant Stray Dog Became The Happiest Dog In The World

As animal advocates, the majority of us feel that every dog deserves a permanent, loving home. However, there are surely still so many stray dogs battling to survive every day. But not everyone who lacks a family to care for them survives and dies alone.

A member of the public contacted Michael Waugh of Pennine Pen Animal Rescue to report that a huge stray dog was dying. As animal rescuers, Pennine Pen Animal Rescue employees wasted no time in rescuing the dying dog. The saviors chose to call the dog Kenny.

Kenny had almost no fur on his body, was badly malnourished, and was so weak that he sadly collapsed on the floor. According to Michael, Kenny was surely one of the worst cases of neglect he had ever witnessed. Kenny also suffered from mange, which explained his body’s lack of fur. Kenny’s rescuers were uncertain that he would survive based on his appearance.

The rescuers gave Kenny medicinal baths, fed him, and cared for him. Antibiotics were also administered to treat his illnesses. After several weeks, Kenny began to recover. Kenny’s fur continued to grow, and he began to emerge from his shell and reveal his lively and kind demeanor.

Kenny soon recovered fully, and he is such a cheeky dog who enjoys meeting new people. Kenny’s breed was also identified by the rescuers and they found out that the dog was a Pakistani Mastiff.

The dog’s remarkable recovery was made possible by the staff and volunteers of Pennine Pen Animal Rescue who did the best that they could to ensure that Kenny gets better.

Despite being a huge dog, Kenny has numerous phobias. When it rains, he refuses to go outside, and even the sound of passing cars frightens him. Michael and the other rescue workers are aggressively searching for Kenny’s forever home, where he will finally settle down and live a happy life.

Source: The Dodo

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