Baby Ginger, The Fashionista Dog Who Models On Catwalks And Owns A Walk-In Closet

A four-year-old Shih Tzu named Baby Ginger captured the hearts of netizens for her trendy outfits and chic fashion sense. Dennis Labjata, Baby Ginger’s owner, is responsible for procuring her dresses. But, it’s the charming way that Ginger carries herself that makes her more adorable.

According to Labjata, he got Ginger when she was only two months old. And, since then, he had been fond of dressing her up.

When Labjata posted photos of Ginger on Facebook, he received a positive response from netizens which led to eventually creating a page called Baby Ginger Blog. The page now has over 44K followers. Some of the dog’s fans also created a group that supports her, and it has over 24K members and counting.

Over the years, Ginger has already accumulated over 300 gowns, costumes, dresses, and accessories. Some of these came as gifts from her fans and followers, both local and international. Pet couturiers make fashionable gowns for her for free because they are fond of her cuteness.

Ginger keeps everything in her closet. Her wardrobe is not too big, but enough for her to walk in.

Baby Ginger’s fame brought her local TV features and brand endorsements. She also gets invited to be a guest star in dog shows. Her most recent stint was in a ‘Paw-shion Walk’ held inside a big mall in their province. Ginger sported a Fuschia tutu as she confidently walked down the runway.

Small breed, enormous joy

In one of Labjata’s TV interviews, he mentioned that Baby Ginger brings his family so much joy. And he also wants to share this joy with others through social media.

Aside from Baby Ginger, Labjata also has another Shih Tzu named Vico. The one-year-old Vico is also rising to fame with his antics and funny personality. And, he is Baby Ginger’s constant companion.

Credits to Baby Ginger Blog via Facebook.

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