Brave Man Runs Into A Burning Home In Wisconsin To Save A Stranger’s Dog

While on his way to a carpentry job, Joe Loduha saw a house that was on fire. As a former emergency medical technician, he decided to stop to see if there was anything he could do to help.

Residents from the neighborhood were standing outside and were waiting for responders to arrive. Joe approached them and asked if there was anyone inside. The people said they weren’t sure, but they are certain that there is a dog inside.

Calm dog

Hearing this, Joe rushed to the house, kicking the locked front door to gain access. The brave guy ran from one room to another, looking for the trapped pooch. When he got to the living room, he saw the pooch, calmly relaxing on the couch.

The gentle dog, named Darma, merely looked at the man that busted into their burning home. It was as if she didn’t fully comprehend the danger that was surrounding them.

As the thick smoke was building up, Joe quickly picked up the dog and carried her outside to safety.

Unsure if there were still someone inside, Joe went running back into the house. He kept screaming fire, hoping that if someone was still inside, they would hear him and they would go out. The smoke started to get too thick and he had no choice but to run out again.

Smoke inhalation

By that time, the firefighters and emergency medical response team have arrived. Joe was treated for smoke inhalation and for several cuts on his leg from kicking the door open. It took the brave men from the fire department more than half an hour before they were able to put the fire out.

When the dog’s owner, PJ Otis, the first thing that he did was to look for his dog. He didn’t care about his house and his belongings. He felt so happy knowing that his dog was saved and he was grateful to Joe for saving his life.

Joe doesn’t consider himself a hero. He said that he just did what was supposed to be done.


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