Cops Rescue Two Injured Pit Bulls And Didn’t Leave Until Help Arrived

After a long night from work, Officer Patrick Hennesy was probably thinking of his warm bed waiting for him. He was finishing his patrol around the neighborhood when he found two injured shivering pit bulls in the cold, and he knew he had to investigate what happened.

Without hesitation, the kind-hearted cop pulled over and went to the pups who desperately needed help. The two pooches were huddled up together when the police officer discovered that something had gone wrong with them.

The officer realized that blood had been coming out from one of the pup’s wounds, probably from an injury it sustained after getting hit by a car. Officer Hennesy knew he had to act quickly because the situation could soon become dire. He couldn’t abandon the pups because of the state they were in, so he called the Sherriff’s office for back-up and two officers arrived within minutes.

As the pups whined due to the pain they were in, one cop was focused on applying pressure on their wounds to temporarily stop the bleeding. The other cops were trying to get the help the pups needed by calling the local animal service. They also tried to warm up the pups by hugging them and letting them know that everything would be okay.

While waiting for help, the pit bulls couldn’t help but lick the cops because of the effort they’ve exerted so far. This was their way of showing how grateful they were for the support they were receiving. They knew that without these helpful police officers, they’d be in a worse situation.

Shortly after, animal service got there and the pups were on their way to recovery. Thanks to the cops, the two are safe in a shelter where they’re receiving treatment and lots of love. The two pups will never forget the act of kindness these police officers gave in their troubling times.

Photos from Facebook Orange County Sheriff’s Office

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