Dachshund Meets A Seal During A Holiday, And They Became Friends Instantly!

Stanley, the dachshund, was out with his mom at a seal sanctuary when a seal named Aayla said “hi” to him. The pair bonded as if no glass was separating them, and the photos are just plain adorable!

The friendly sausage dog

The holidays are a fantastic time to relax, bond with family, and meet new friends. Stanley did all three, especially the last one, when he went on a vacation with his mom at Cornwall.

The highlight of Stanley’s vacation was going to the Sea Life Trust Cornish Seal Sanctuary with his mom, Melanie Talbot. Stanley got to see a lot of cute and adorable seals in the sanctuary. But one seal stood out during Stanley’s visit, and she goes by the name Aayla.

When Aayla saw Stanley, she swam very near him. Aayla pressed her nose towards the glass and bonded with Stanley for a good 20 minutes. Melanie had enough time to take adorable photos of Stanley and his newfound friend.

A magical friendship

Melanie guesses that Aayla may have mistaken Stanley as a seal pup because he wore a snood and fleece jacket during their excursion. Still, Melanie could not believe how a close an encounter Stanley had with the seal, and she thinks it’s an experience Stanley will never forget in his lifetime.

Meanwhile, the sanctuary was pleased to see the friendly interaction between their canine visitor and resident seal. They posted Stanley and Aayla’s photos on their Facebook page and called Stanley their Dog of the Week. The sanctuary would be more than glad to have more dogs coming over to visit.

Stanley is such a friendly dog, and he has a lot of doggie friends back at home. But to see him make friends with another species is so magical. Aayla deserves credit too. Despite having an injured right flipper, she remains to be positive at life. Perhaps that’s why Aayla and Stanley made an instant connection – they’re both friendly and have a happy disposition at life.

Thanks to Cornish Seal Sanctuary

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