Dog That Was Found Abandoned And Did Not Have Front Legs Receives A Makeover

Daffodil, a Chihuahua, is an adorable, energetic puppy. However, because of her congenital deformity, not many people acknowledged how adorable the tiny puppy was.

She had missing limbs, and her owner opted to dump her despite her charming beauty and attitude. The sad dog was abandoned on the side of the road inside a large cardboard box.

Daffodil wept alone for several days, staying in a wet cardboard box on the dreary streets of San Francisco. Everyone who saw the dog was disgusted by her appearance after discovering that she was missing her legs.

Fortunately, a compassionate man found the puppy and decided to take her to the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The volunteers had doubts about Daffodil’s survival because she appeared ill and emaciated.

After only a few days of receiving an abundance of love and care, Daffodil developed into a loving dog. Despite her condition and what she had gone through early in life, Daffodil appeared to have no problems and thrived as an extremely active puppy. She was simply thankful to be alive and to have the chance to enjoy it.

The SPCA personnel was so impressed by Daffodil’s courage that they decided to provide her with more assistance. They used a specialized mold to obtain precise measurements for her custom-made wheelchair.

Despite falling a few times on her first attempt, Daffodil enjoyed her wheelchair. She never gave up and continued trying until she mastered the skill.

Olivia, one of Daffodil’s SPCA caregivers, developed an attachment to the small puppy. Olivia recognized after some consideration that she would be the ideal choice to adopt Daffodil officially.

Daffodil’s journey from an abandoned and neglected puppy to a loving and welcoming home was a long one. Her path encouraged many to never lose hope and be optimistic despite life’s difficulties.

Source: San Francisco SPCA

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