Hilarious Newfoundland Makes The Most Convincing Begging Face

Every fur parent knows the persistent nature of our beloved canine friends possesses. The moment dogs set their eyes on their target, they refuse to let it go until they get it.

Thus, a clever Newfoundland switches to its tried-and-tested method of begging the moment it saw its fur mom holding a bag of treats. By the looks of it, this Newfoundland found the perfect way to make Mom accede to its every whim.

Mom, what’re you holding?

In this incredible video, a brown-furred Newfoundland named Samson stares intently at the camera. By the looks of it, something caught Samson’s interest as his eyes never stop gazing at its direction.

Soon after, one can hear the sound of paper ripping, followed by a crunching noise. It seems Samson’s fur parent’s eating something, which made the pooch even more interested.

For the first few seconds, Samson only continued staring, not moving an inch from its current spot. Perhaps, this patient pooch only waits for the right moment to make a move.

Mom, give me those treats.

Seeing the pooch’s hilarious stance, fur mom can’t help but inquire what it’s currently doing. Samson immediately responds with the loudest bark it could muster before running towards Mom.

The moment Samson reached Mom, he immediately placed his head on her legs. The pooch then dons the most adorable puppy eyes and produces some whining sounds so Mom couldn’t resist him.

And, it looks like Mom understood what the pooch’s trying to tell her as she asks Samson if he wants some treats. Though Samson didn’t respond, Mom’s sure that he wants the treats badly through his gestures alone.

Thus, Mom indulges the pooch with his request and gives him a treat. But, do you think Samson finally walked away contented? If you want to know the answer, watch the video link below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube

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