Irresponsible Fur Parents Return Starved Pup To Shelter

As fur parents, we have the responsibility to provide for our pup’s needs. But at times, some fur parents face circumstances that make it hard for them to continue fulfilling their roles as a provider and protector of their pup. When circumstances like that face some of us, a real and loving fur parent will make choices for their pup’s benefit, even if it means never seeing their beloved pup again.

But unfortunately, not all fur parents lookout for what’s best for their pup, just like Roland’s owners. Roland was two years old when a family came to adopt him from Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas. When he was adopted last March of 2019, the pup weighed 40 pounds and had a healthy body. But after a year and few months, Roland was brought back to the shelter looking like a completely different pup.

When pups get adopted from a shelter, we would all like to assume that those pups would end up in the care of a kind family who would love them. However, that’s not always the case. When the staff members at the shelter saw Ronald again, he was literally just skin and bones. The poor starving pup could not even stand up because of how frail and weak his body was.

Roland’s former owners explained to the staff members that due to them becoming homeless and going through a financial crisis, they couldn’t take care of the pup anymore, and so they had to give him up. But even though they made the right decision, their timing was very bad. When they realized that Roland needed urgent help, the pup’s health was already in a dangerous condition.

Thankfully, unlike Roland’s former family, Jamie’s Animal Rescue was quick to step in and take the pup into their care. Jamie, the founder of Jamie’s Animal Rescue, said that she could not understand how the pup’s owners watched their pup starve to the point that he could not walk or even raise his head. But now that she had the pup under her care, she promised to help him gain back the energy and health that he once had.

And true to her words, in less than 30 days, Roland was declared to be a healthy pup after gaining back some fat and muscles and weighing 35 pounds! He can now run, play and enjoy endless cuddles. This time, Roland is looking for a real forever home with a family who would truly love him. If you are confident you can do all these, please check

Credits to Jamie’s Animal Rescue

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