Bonzo knows that a good boy never goes off duty. So, when he knows that his mom needs his service, this faithful dog would work round the clock to prove himself worthy of the job.
A few days ago, a Twitter user named Mary_Dopping proved that point through a story that she shared on her account. Bonzo is her sister’s beloved dog, and they seem to be pretty devoted to each other.
Recently, Mary_Dopping’s sister had to spend two days without sleep because she was cramming for a college assignment. Of course, most college students know how unpleasant that experience can be. Thankfully, though, Mary_Dopping’s sister did not have to pull an all-nighter all by herself.
After seeing that his mom was forgoing her sleep, Bonzo thought that there was no way he was letting her go through that on her own. So, he decided to stay up all night to make sure his mom has company.
Bonzo stayed by his best friend’s side until she was able to finish working on her assignment. Based on the photo that Mary_Dopping posted, the pup sat by the computer that his owner was using to finish her schoolwork.
Bonzo’s sleepless face showed how much he sacrificed for his dear mom. Because of that, many people around the world were moved by his sweet gesture. It was clear proof of the amount of love that Bonzo has for his mom.
Without a doubt, no one would blame Bonzo if he decides to spend his time sleeping. However, he still chose to stay up. Bonzo seems to be taking his role as a loyal companion pretty seriously, and nothing can be more beautiful than that.
Bonzo is another proof of why dogs are called man’s best friend. For them, every situation is an opportunity to show love for their humans.
Credit: Mary_Dopping