Momma Dog And Her Puppy Have The Most Hilarious Method Of Sledding Together

Regardless of the season or the time of day, dogs adore playing with their parents. Occasionally, though, excited canines fail to comprehend the nature of the game they are about to engage in.

The mother of a Saint Bernard and a Pit Bull scoffs at their thought of snow sledding. However, Mom still enjoys a delightful time with her dogs as she fulfills her desire to play in the snow with them.

In this amusing clip, a woman is seen holding a snow sled. A Pit Bull with black fur tugs on the snow sled near her, subtly indicating that they will soon begin their game.

When Mom is still hesitant, the Pittie pulls harder on the sled to get her to move. This strategy is effective when Mom yields to the dog’s desire and attempts to place the sled on the snow-covered ground.

However, while Mom and the Pit Bull are engaged in their chore, the woman’s St. Bernard approaches them. However, as opposed to assisting Mom in training the Pittie, the St. Bernard pounces on the woman’s back and humps at her.

Mom rises swiftly and guides her two dogs away from the area where the cheeky St. Bernard is behaving. The group quickly reaches a suitable location for sledding.

Mom places the sled on the ground while preventing the Pit Bull from yet pulling on it. This amusing action continues indefinitely, but the Pittie quickly figures out what to do with the sled.

So, while Mom sits on the sled, the black-furred dog consumes a portion of the sled that it can grasp. However, the Saint Bernard quickly reappears and pulls on the sled as well. This results in a fight, but Mom is able to diffuse the situation.

Do you think Mom convinces at least one of the dogs to accompany her sledding?

Source: ViralHog

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