Playful Pup Insists On Playing Fetch While His Fur Mom Takes A Shower

Baloo is a pup with a colorful personality. Sometimes he can be playful and goofy, while at other times he can be serious and does striking poses in front of the camera.

Natalie McAllister, Baloo’s fur mom, said that her pup knows when to get focused especially when he is participating in competitions, but most of the time he is a funny nuthead. Either way, Natalie loves her pup very much.

But recently, the pup has discovered the perfect time to act playfully with his fur mom. Natalie said that whenever she goes in the shower, Baloo would poke his head between the shower curtains to check on her. At first, the pup’s interest in her mom’s shower time started because he liked the scent of the bath soap she was using. But eventually, the pup’s interest in her fur mom’s bath time opened an opportunity for the pup to play fetch with her mom.

Natalie related that one day, while she was taking a shower, she saw Baloo poke his nose between the shower curtains. But this time the pup didn’t come empty-handed, in his mouth, the pup carried the toy that he uses to play fetch with. The pup’s fur mom was amused and shocked at the same time at his unique timing to offer playing fetch. But despite the pup’s weird timing, his plan still worked.

In her effort to get the pup’s toy outside the shower, Natalie would toss the toy away only for the pup to come running back with it and placing it in the shower. Though Natalie really didn’t want to play while taking a shower, she ended up playing along according to the smart pup’s plan. Natalie said that after her pup’s successful plan, she is sure that Baloo would try initiating playing fetch again while she is in the shower. After all, the pup takes his plans seriously.


Dear Baloo, I do not need shower toys… #bordercollie #naughtyreddogs #showerthoughts

♬ Come and Get Your Love – Redbone

Credits to Natalie McAllister

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