Puppies Can’t Wait To Spend Their First Christmas With Their Humans

This is an exciting time for a pair of Weimaraners. In a few days, it will be Christmas, and Rosa and Zeus are looking forward to it. The holidays have gotten even more spectacular this year for the duo.

They have multiple reasons to celebrate. Rosa and Zeus are enjoying the birth of their nine puppies in addition to Christmas. The couple had eight lovely girls and one robust son.

Jingle is the only boy in the family. Jingle does not mind the commotion created by the girls. He would wish to escape it, but he is aware that he cannot. He has acquired the art of falling asleep among all the lady talk.

Jingle trained himself how to be calm and unruffled when excessive noise is around. Being the only male in the family is not easy. This is something with which Zeus may identify.

Finally, the puppies were let to go outside and walk on the grass. Jingle was relieved to escape a noisy home. Each and every canine was enjoying the time of their life. They were running and playing while enjoying themselves immensely.

The backyard’s Christmas decorations were also a joy to behold. But, it was not long before the girls tore into them and made a mess. Jingle did not accompany them on their mission because he had other plans.

He sat in a corner and fell asleep slowly. It was one of those rare occasions when his sisters were preoccupied and unable to irritate him. His sisters would frequently disturb him as he slept. This was one of those times when he could fall asleep undisturbed.

All of the puppies are looking forward to spending their first Christmas. They cannot wait for the delicious food. They are also delighted about their gifts. This is a holiday that can be celebrated by all.

Source: Animal Planet

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