This Pooch And His Duck Friend Are Inseparable

We have already established that dogs are friendly animals toward a human. Pooches, however, are not only welcoming to humans; they are also versatile and can become friends with fellow animals.

With their gentle and cute demeanor, likely, dogs could also form an incredible bond with other animals. For example, this runner duck and Labrador who are the best of friends in everything.

Barclay, a Golden Labrador, and Rudy, an Indian duck runner, are taking the internet by storm because of their unusual friendship. These animals are owned by Natacha, who is a photographer by profession.

Now 18, Natacha takes and shares photos of the two animals and how they take good care of each other. With her compelling photos which tell stories, Natacha was able to show that two oddly different animals could also be friends with each other.

Natacha’s photos of Barclay and Rudy have generated much noise on social media as we appreciate the relationship of the two animals. For them, the photos are raw and beautiful.

In an interview, Natacha said that she adopted Barclay since she is a dog lover. Rudy, meanwhile, became part of their family just recently. With Barclays’s friendly character, Natacha thought of introducing her to Rudy and her other ducks. She was surprised that the pooch was very warm towards the ducks.

On the other hand, Rudy did not feel any fear despite the size of the pooch. The two eventually stuck with each and did many things together.

Natacha and her two pets enjoy going to the woods where Natacha would take photos. The best friends, meanwhile, loves to swim in the lakes as their leisure activity while Natacha does her craft.

Barclay and Rudy likewise love going to different places to explore. Moreover, when they are resting, they cuddle with each other like real siblings.

With this kind of relationship, Natacha believes that the two animals will be each other’s home forever. Natacha also said that she would keep documenting the activities of the two.

Credits to Sud Ouest.

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