Timely Rescue Of A Dog That Just Gave Birth In An Empty Lot

In a village in Greece, residents found a stray dog with newborn puppies in an empty lot. The dog gave birth in an open area with no shelter from bad weather. A kind-hearted resident asked for help from a local animal center called DAR Animal Rescue.

This animal organization is known for saving abandoned or stray dogs roaming the streets. They help find new homes for these poor animals. The group has been rescuing helpless animals for the past 20 years.

The arrival of the rescue team

The animal center quickly sent a team to the reported location. It was almost nighttime when the team arrived. The team transferred the dogs to an empty house nearby and made a temporary shelter made of a blanket and cardboard for them.

During this time, the animal shelter had no more room for additional animals. They made calls to possible foster homes that could take in the whole family. Luckily, they found one family very willing and excited to receive the dogs.

The next day, the rescue team returned to the empty house. The dog and the puppies lay sleeping when they arrived. The team brought a dog carrier big enough to carry the dog and all its puppies.

Bringing the dogs to their foster home

After a short drive, the rescuers arrived at the foster home. The place has a large yard where the dogs could stay. The rescue team and the owner of the house prepared the yard before introducing the dogs to their temporary home.

The team assembled a doghouse for the family. The team also placed a warm blanket inside the shelter to keep the dogs cozy at night. A rescuer prepared food for the mommy dog before she transferred the puppies into their new doghouse.

With the dogs safe, the animal center begins to spread the story of the dogs on social media. Hopefully, they can find individuals interested in adopting the dogs soon.

Watch the dramatic story unfold with the video below.

Source: DAR Animal Rescue via Youtube.

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