Veterinarian Labored For Three Hours In Order To Mend A Dog’s Broken Leg

Planned Pethood Plus is likely one of the most charitable animal clinics in existence. Dr. Jeff, the resident vet, is devoted to assisting animals, even if it occasionally requires him to provide free care.

A rescuer once brought a dog named Peppermint to the clinic. The dog was limping, but the rescuer was unaware of the cause. Peppermint was rescued from the streets with a rope attached to her leg. The injury may have been caused by this.

Dr. Jeff examined the limb of the dog for any obvious abnormalities. The veterinarian saw that one of Peppermint’s legs appeared to be very rigid. He detected a possible fracture. Before submitting the dog to an x-ray, Peppermint had to be sedated.

The x-ray revealed a pretty alarming image. Age-old bone fractures have resulted in the formation of scar tissue. Dr. Jeff was aware that it was not a simple assignment. But he never backs down from challenges of this nature.

If the surgical procedure fails, amputation would be the next option. However, Dr. Jeff believed that repairing the limb was the better option, as it boosted Peppermint’s chances of being adopted.

On a whiteboard, he drew a diagram showing how he will approach the surgery. The idea was to insert an internal pin and two wires around the fractured bone. Since Peppermint is a little dog, Dr. Jeff can only put that many wires. Following that, he will affix external pins to an exterior bar serving as a cast.

Dr. Jeff had difficulty piercing the dense scar tissue. Thankfully, the bones were properly aligned. The doctor only needed to put the pins in the proper location.

After inserting the pins and suturing Peppermint’s leg, Dr. Jeff wanted to examine his work via x-ray. He discovered a minor misplacement. The exterior pins did not penetrate far enough. He had to work for more hours, but the surgery was ultimately successful.

By the time Peppermint’s leg had completely healed, a family had already expressed interest in adopting her. It was a big household with numerous children.

Source: Animal Planet

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